Being Well Together Funded by Comic Relief Community Fund (England)

Being Well Together aims to improve the lives of people living in the local community, especially women, and to help them achieve their potential.
Many people accessing our service, particularly women, suffer a range of complex social and economic issue some of related to their immediate personal and family circumstances and others related to wider social issues.
Although their problems are often material, linked to employment, housing, debt, health or family,
overwhelming we find that their material problems have a negative effect on their mental health and well-being which in turn impacts on their ability and capacity to deal with issues facing them and often ends in spiral which leads to isolation, depression and family stress as well as an escalation in their original problems.
Through our advice and information service we will support people to deal with direct challenges they face in their daily lives such as issues with housing, employment and health as well as providing legal and welfare advice. We will also provide advocacy and language support to improve their capacity to overcome problems and where necessary, signposting and referral to more specialised agencies. While we hope that direct support around practical issues will have a positive effect on their lives and ultimately their mental well-being, we recognise that this is often not sustainable without increasing people’s capacity and confidence to continue dealing with everyday issues. Through the development of group activities we will promote people’s personal
growth and reduce isolation by engaging them in activities which boost confidence, support wellbeing and promote healthy choices. One important outcome is that activities will provide opportunities to build relationships and friendships which will make a long-term, positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing